Bulking to gain muscle? Be careful of how you go about it

Bulking to gain muscle

Weight loss is the practice of building muscle mass through a high-calorie, high-protein diet and intense physical training.

But although it is a long-term goal of many health enthusiasts, especially young people on social media, obesity is not a health risk. Just search for “bulking” on TikTok and you will find many videos on this topic. The content posted often includes body transformations, or before and after videos, showing someone going from a leaner body to a more muscular one. Have been used as long periods of time by those who sadly glitizen it for a long time and weight, which is well dressed. But today a lot of young people try no effortless. The Parisian nutritionist Dr Faïza Bossy, contacted by ETX, has discovered this method since the disease.

“There has been a resurgence of interest in the cut among young people, to compensate for the lack of public outings. However, it is a method without any health risks,” he said.

The goal of great benefits is to get healthy, especially by changing your diet, although you must be careful not to exceed the recommended protein. “The diet should be 0.8 g of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Above 1 to 2 g, the kidneys, which are responsible for eliminating protein, find themselves more active. In some cases, this can lead to the kidney stones.

Expression also causes smashing, gas, agony or headaches, as a doctor. In women, amenorrhea (absence of menstruation) may occur. But that’s not to mention the injuries that can be caused by lifting heavy weights, such as “muscles or injuries, and in some cases, lower back pain.” Different types of collections

Bossy explains that there are different types of gain: “Clean mass gain involves getting more calories from protein, but in a healthy and controlled way. You monitor the type of food eaten and the amount of protein too day.

But there are other types of bulking, which often result in weight gain instead of muscle gain, such as “dirty bulking.” This practice is usually done by young men.

“This is eating a lot of protein, especially junk food in the sky. This often leads to weight gain rather than weight gain,” explains the expert. On TikTok, thousands of videos support the dirty collection and attract millions of views. The account of the user vinceazziz, for example, is dedicated to this practice and has more than 300,000 subscribers. Unsurprisingly, this type of swelling is the most dangerous, as it can lead to “high blood sugar and even increased blood pressure,” Bossy noted.

Build muscle gradually

So how can you build muscle without harming your physical health? Bossy recommends eating foods rich in variety, including lots of vitamins and minerals. It is also important not to exceed the daily protein threshold to avoid side effects. Juliana Massamba, a dietician-nutritionist and sports coach based in Paris, chimed in: “You can use supplements such as protein powders, as long as they don’t replace your diet. One protein shaker a day is more than enough with a good dietary intake in most cases.”

Weight-training sessions should be supervised by a sports coach to avoid injury.

If you can’t have a professional take care of you, Massamba advises you to load continuously, which includes increasing the intensity of your session every time.

“You increase the intensity of your workouts over time, which means lifting weights, repetitions or exercises. It is recommended that you do not exceed 10% increase from one week to another to avoid injuries and above all to give the muscles time to adapt and avoid plateaus.

“At first, one month you can use 10kg of weight, and the next month, you will increase them by 3-4kg.

According to the expert, this method will make the muscles that make the body stable and thus help them to gain weight without problems.

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