Healthy lifestyle ‘could offset genetic risk of shorter lifespan’

Healthy lifestyle ‘could offset genetic risk of shorter lifespan

Are we really the masters of our destiny?

If a recent study by researchers from Zhejiang University School of Medicine in China and the University of Edinburgh in Scotland is to be believed, you better believe it. Involving more than 350,000 adults, the study suggests that a healthy lifestyle – including a healthy diet, regular exercise and smoking cessation – can reduce the effect of genetics on life-shortening by more than 60% . These results show the importance of making the right choices every day in order to stay tall and gain a few years of life. For the purpose of their analysis, scientists used data from 353,742 adults obtained from the UK Biobank between 2006 and 2010, who analyzed his health status until 2021, and several related studies.

A polygenic risk score, which determines which genes will lead to long life or not, and a score associated with a healthy lifestyle, is calculated based on criteria such as current smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, proper diet, regular exercise. and good. sleep More than 24,000 participants died during the study.

Published in the journal BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, the study shows that participants with genes that shortened their lifespan were 21% more likely to die sooner than those with longer lifespans, despite the mode of transmission they adopted during their lifetime. Limitation – such as the fact that life is evaluated only once during the study and there is no difference between the participants – the study reported that the quality of life can be more than 60% genetic risk of short life or premature death. The researchers even go further by considering that by living a healthy lifestyle, those who are at high risk of genetics associated with a short life span can see their longevity and -extended from around 5.5 years to 40 years. However, this shows that the adoption of healthy habits should happen as soon as a significant increase in life expectancy can be seen. It should also be remembered that certain lifestyle habits are particularly important, such as not smoking, exercising and sleeping well, and following a good diet.

Among other findings,

participants whose lifestyles were not considered healthy were 78% more likely to die sooner than those who adopted healthy habits, regardless of their genetic makeup. “The study is designed by the economic work of life and the effect of the genetic effects of life. The authors will make it strong. Last August, a similar study of more than 700,000 people aged 40 to 99 suggested that adopting eight healthy habits before the age of 40 allowed men to live an average of 24 years, and women 21 age than those who do not accept any.

Also, it’s about being active, not smoking, managing stress, eating and sleeping well, not drinking too much regularly,

not drinking too much and maintaining healthy relationships.

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